Our future girls will be loved, mentored, educated, and empowered with an integrated approach of care in our new teenage pregnancy center.
Nearly 1 in 3 girls ages 15-19 in western Kenya will find themselves pregnant or have already given birth to a child. Due to various reasons and lack of support, many drop out of school. Nearly 100% of them never return to school without some type of help or intervention.
Many of these girls see abandonment and abortion as their only answer. They are often ostracized by their families. Boys rarely father or support their children and there are virtually no resources and support for pregnant teenagers in rural areas.
Our Teenage Pregnancy Center will exist to provide immediate and direct intervention to young, vulnerable, pregnant girls in western Kenya. We plan to disciple and empower young mothers with the hope of an abundant life. Equipping them with resources to say yes to all that God has created them to be.
We also believe this new program will help us curb the orphan crisis. Our overall purpose is to directly impact one of the main root causes. With this new center, we will work to keep babies out of our full-time care --- but rather where they’re supposed to be, in their mother’s arms.
Our Teenage Pregnancy Center will provide an alternative short-term living situation for young mothers and their babies. Each young mother will embark on a 1-year program specifically designed for them. While in our care they’ll receive training in --- tailoring, farming, home economics, discipleship, mentorship, and family counseling.
This center will be a safe and loving home for each mother to find hope and restoration.
As we launch this new ministry program, we need your help! As our Teenage Pregnancy Center nears constructional completion, would you consider helping us equip with all the essentials? Items such as --- beds, cribs, tables, chairs, sewing machines, etc.
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