The water crisis can seem overwhelming. But together, we’re comitted to making a difference. Which is why we have the Storytellers, our group of monthly givers. The Storytellers are people just like you, comitted to giving any amount they can to bring clean and Living water to the unreached people of Kenya.
Join the Storytellers and see just how powerful we can be when we work together.
You’ll receive quarterly emails with inspirational stories and reports on how your monthly donations make a difference.
Your monthly giving helps us plan ahead so we can drill, repair, and maintain lasting water sources for communities in need.
You’ll receive special Storytellers merch each year so that you can advocate for the unreached and share their stories.
Clean water decreases the prevalence of deadly waterborne illnesses such as typhoid and cholera, thus decreasing mortality rates.
Clean water allows children to spend more time in school, thus enhancing their education and improving their future.
Access to clean water empowers women to earn an income, grow food, and provide for their families.
As an organization, we build trust by serving communities with clean water. By showing tangible love in this way, it opens the door for true gospel conversations and for people to experience the source of living water, Jesus Christ.
$40/month serves 1 village a year (350 people each month)
$80/month serves 2 villages a year (700 people each month)
$160/month serves 4 villages a year (1,400 people each month)
Donate now and change a life.
As Storytellers, we can share their stories as we ultimately share His story. By stepping in to meet urgent physical needs, it allows us the opportunity to share about the Living Water found only in the gospel.This incredible community is composed of generous, passionate, and determined people—like you—who are committed to taking His story to everyone. And they believe every story matters. They’re Storytellers.